
Hello! đź‘‹
I am Vladlena Panchenko

Junior frontend developer, Siberian-born living in Gdansk, Poland.
Available for new working opportunities.

My skills



Develop cross-browser and for mobile, know a thing or two on responsive web-design, use Sass, BEM.

JavaScript logo

JavaScript (ES6)

Enjoy cracking JS coding challenges, kinda like OOP, understand basics of asynchronous programming.


React JS

Love developing apps with React: can write both className and functional components with hooks, manage state and build complex UIs.



Add basic Redux to my React apps to maintain immutable state and keep my components out of side effects.


npm, Node.js and Express

Use npm to install and run scripts for my projects. Can set up a Node/Express server with routing for CRUD apps.



Can test with Jest and Cypress: unit- and e2e-tests, work with fixtures and even do somewoodoo monkey patching.



Love git and never forget to git pull. Use conventional commits and branching even in my solo projects.


Gulp and Parcel

Operate Gulp and Parcel to optimize my workflow and bundle projects, including this website.

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Design systems

Use design systems in my projects for building better and cleaner interfaces.

My projects

Just Do It App

March - May 2021

A basic fullstack todo app with user authentication.
Features include creating an account or logging in as a guest; adding, editing and deleting new tasks.
Build with React for interfaces and Express for backend.

gitView on Github
  • Express
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML5
just do it appjust do it app

Data grid

February 2021

Comprehensive data-table for unlimited set of data made with Material UI components library. Features include filtering and multi-filtering, sorting, selection, pagination and data editing.
First TypeScript project.

git View on Github
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Sass
  • HTML5
data griddata grid

React calculator

January 2021

First self-made React based app.
A simple calculator that supports basic arithmetic calculations on integers. All calculations made using mathjs library. Keyboard friendly! Made with CSS Grid, responsive desktop-first and cross-browser support.

git View on Github
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • Sass
  • HTML5

Web application made with OpenLayers API.
Main features include: boars pins appearing on the map based on backend data (with main information and photo if available) and interactive form to report a sighting using Geolocation API. Made with BEM, CSS Flexbox, responsive desktop-first and cross-browser support.

Built during HackYeah 2020 hackathon.
Full project presentation (PDF)git View on Github

  • JavaScript
  • Parcel
  • Sass
  • HTML5

Coding challenges

October 2020 - current

My coding challenges from different platforms.

git View on Github
  • JavaScript
  • Jest
  • npm

Interactive form to calculate project ROI and generate annual cash flow table, designed and developed for robotics system integrator Inspair. May be used as a framework-like base to build similar forms. First experience of DOM-manipulation and first commercial project.

git View on Github
  • JavaScript
  • Gulp
  • Sass
  • HTML5
  • npm

Nyam-Nyam and AlanaMama modifications

June - July 2020

Maintenance work on already existing Russian food-delivery websites. Minor restyling works, mostly CSS (Sass) editing.

  • Sass
  • HTML5
alana mamanyam-nyam

Interior website

June - July 2020

Multi-page website for the non-existing furniture store. Made with BEM and component-based design, CSS Flexbox and Grid layouts, responsive desktop-first and cross-browser support. Includes CSS animations and vanilla-JS burger-menu. Made as a first self-developed web-page.

git View on Github
  • Sass
  • HTML5
  • npm
  • JavaScript
interior landinginterior landing 2

EY Career events landings (RU)

2019 - 2020

Several of many landing pages for graduate career events of EY Russia. Made with AEM (Adobe Experience Manager) in accordance with EY Global styles.

  • Online lectures
  • EY Campus
  • Open Talk
  • AEM
ey landingey landing 2