Hello! ๐Ÿ‘‹
I am Vladlena Panchenko

I'm a Frontend Developer atย Ageras.
I love developing complex and accessible web-interfaces and always eager to try something new.
Siberian-born living in Gdaล„sk, Poland.


I run a tiny blog where I write about things I find interesting. Check it out!




Everything else


Ted Baker

June 2021 - January 2024


A composable modern eCommerce website, made on a multi-storefront Bloomreach headless CMS. Next.js-built integrated SPA. UK, EU and ROW regions.

  • #TypeScript
  • #Jest
  • #a11y
  • #Next.js
  • #styled-components
  • #emotion
  • #React
Screenshot of Ted Baker


July 2023 - current

Pet Project

The best ever wishlist app wannabe powered by Next.js + Supabase + auth0. A very much work in progress!

View on GitHub
  • #TypeScript
  • #Next.js
  • #styled-components
  • #auth
  • #Supabase
Screenshot of Wishpot

Spotify Releaser

July 2022 - June 2023

Pet Project

Never miss new releases! Spotify API integrated app to track new music from your favourite artists. Built with Remix.run. Please reach out to get a full access!

View on GitHub
  • #TypeScript
  • #Remix
  • #a11y
  • #styled-components
  • #React
Screenshot of Spotify Releaser

An a11y showcase website. Tested with VoiceOver, axe, w3c HTML validator, Wave, keyboard-friendly, WCAG 2.0 compliant colors, 4x 100% Lighthouse index.

View on GitHub
  • #a11y
  • #TypeScript
  • #Next.js
  • #styled-components
  • #React
Screenshot of The Pushkin State Museum - a11y playground

App boilerplate

January 2022 - current

Pet Project

A Next.js boilerplate to create SSRd apps without breaking a sweat. Made with testing (Jest), lintering (eslint + Prettier) and conventional commits (Husky) in mind.

  • #TypeScript
  • #Next.js
  • #Jest
  • #React

Coding challenges

October 2020 - current


A basic set-up to crack code challenges, executing in your code editor and testing as you go + my cracked challenges from Advent of Code, LeetCode, Codewars, etc.

  • #TypeScript
  • #JavaScript
  • #Jest
  • #Node.js

Spoonacular App

May 2021


An interview assignment, a Next.js app integrated with Spoonacular API, optimised with caching. Tested with Cypress (end-to-end).

View on GitHub
  • #TypeScript
  • #Next.js
  • #Cypress
  • #React
Screenshot of Spoonacular App

Just Do It App

March - May 2021

Pet Project

A basic fullstack todo app with user authentication. Built as a tryout of using Express for backend.

View on GitHub
  • #JavaScript
  • #React
  • #Express
  • #Node.js
Screenshot of Just Do It App

An interactive form to calculate project ROI and generate annual cash flow table, designed and developed for robotics system integrator Inspair.

View on GitHub
  • #JavaScript
  • #Node.js
  • #Gulp
Screenshot of ROI calculation form (RU) - Inspair